
Still Waters Run Deep...

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Hot Take!!! The cop pulled the trigger, but the system murdered Ma'Khia Bryant

We may look at the killing of Ma’Khia as justified, but that is because we’ve been indoctrinated with certain preconceptions about how police must act in a certain situations. We must re examine and reconsider these preconceptions.

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White Supremacy is a problem for White People

Black people have suffered under the boot of white supremacy, but it is a problem for White people. Minorities can help them identify and define the problem, but they must root it out and destroy it. This means White progressives, liberals, moderates, independents, and conservatives must do something they have often neglected to do. They must check themselves.

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Hot Take!!!! Conservatives can exist without the GOP

Principled Conservatives need to leave the party. You don’t have common cause with Democrats fine, but that requires creation of a new consistent Conservative political party. They have to support the implementation of policies that actively deconstruct white supremacy and acknowledge that institutional racism is a thing that actually exists instead of trying to mindlessly preserve the status quo. They need to be pro faith, pro truth, pro intellect, and anti-discrimination.

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HOT TAKE!!! Why I oppose the Great Gamestop Rebellion of 2021

Short selling as a business practice is abhorrent, since it’s basically people making money off a company going out of business. However, the actions of the reddit revolution are dangerous and short sighted.

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