
Still Waters Run Deep...

Filtering by Tag: conservatives

Joe Biden doesn't support student debt cancellation...and he's right (Part 2)

As much as anyone, I would like to take advantage of $50,000 less of student loan debt, but I can’t overlook how it favors people who are in higher income brackets. For anyone truly interested in reducing income inequality and increasing equal opportunity for all people, making all public college and universities free is definitely the better proposal.

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Biden doesn't support student debt cancellation...and he's right

In the absence of a sensible Republican party, the Democratic party is now arguing with itself about education priorities. The sad part about this is the so-called Progressives are arguing for the Conservative policy, while the alleged middle of the road Democrat is arguing for the Progressive policy.

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Hot Take!!!! Conservatives can exist without the GOP

Principled Conservatives need to leave the party. You don’t have common cause with Democrats fine, but that requires creation of a new consistent Conservative political party. They have to support the implementation of policies that actively deconstruct white supremacy and acknowledge that institutional racism is a thing that actually exists instead of trying to mindlessly preserve the status quo. They need to be pro faith, pro truth, pro intellect, and anti-discrimination.

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