
Still Waters Run Deep...

Filtering by Tag: insurrection

The Persistence of White Supremacy (Part 2 of 4)

The Constitution of the United States and the formation of Congress could only be secured by compromises with white supremacy. These compromises embedded white supremacy into the foundation of America. From 1788 until 1861 America engaged in the fool’s errand of maintaining a middle ground between establishing freedom for all and keeping Black people as slaves.

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The Persistence of White Supremacy (Part 1 of 4)

The United States Government was ill equipped to deal with a racist insurrection because American has yet to recognize how widespread and embedded white supremacy is in the American cultural psyche. Ever since the beginning, America has been two nations. It has been a nation that aspires toward a diverse and inclusive democratic melting pot where all people are treated equally, but it has also been an exclusive anti-democratic nation based on white supremacy.

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